Heart reflections

Allow your heart to bleed.

Allow the pain to live, to open, to throb, to pulsate.

Allow the dagger of pain to twist.

Allowing the fullness of feeling and being without protecting, resisting and denying.

Let the heart beat loudly, fully and expand.

Don’t contract, don’t stifle, don’t put on a happy face, don’t run away.

Let the heart muscle expand to the point that the full surrender to the pain becomes blissful.

And then the heart can heal and then the heart becomes stronger and resilient and the capacity to feel love grows wider and larger. 

Then we can feel the suffering of the world and not push it away.

Then we can feel the pain behind the anger and not fight against it.

Then we can feel the fear behind the rejection and separation.

Then we can feel our own hearts who feel pain and learn to embrace our own pain with all our heart...