I’ve always been sensitive.

 Between the trauma of an abusive broken father, a critical mother and a repressive religious upbringing, I grew up believing that my entire existence was wrong and the world was a terrifying place to be.

Only the light in my heart led me to want to survive and thrive.

I stretched the limits of my comfort zone from being a nomad in Europe for 20 years, street performing, circus arts, high fashion modeling, tasting anything and everything of whatever life had to offer, between flirting with celebrities and doing drugs with street folks, I longed to understand life and the internal world that confined me.

Layer upon layer the protective mechanisms I created to survive in the world began to peel off.

From shamanism, Buddhism, yoga, Osho, somatic practices, internal family systems, mindfulness, intergenerational and ancestral trauma release and more… my inner self began to break out of it’s cage and feel the beauty of my own being and of the world around me.

The greater the journey into revealing and surrendering to my own internal essence, the greater my capacity to feel the world with deep empathy and compassion.

Thus, my skills of intuition developed, somatic touch, divine guidance and deep empathic listening.

Through healing myself I became a healer.

I commune directly with spirit. Somehow it moves through me, free to move without the obstruction of layers of childhood baggage. Spirit influences my work, through my hands, my words and the practices I facilitate.

I am in my calling and I create an environment for my clients to heal, to be seen, heard & felt, and ultimately, to grow and expand into the deepest expression of themselves.

Carly Ko is a :

  • Somatic Movement Therapist RSDT RSMT

  • Certified Sex Therapy Informed Professional CSTIP

  • Masseuse and Access Bars Facilitator

  • Akashic Records Channeler

  • Professional Actress, Model & Performer

  • and a proud MOTHER..

I am here to support healing and empowering each of my clients to thrive. I believe that a kinder, safer, more beautiful world is possible, one individual at a time.

Training and education

Somatics &Therapy

Tamalpa Life Art Process® RSMT, RSME healing through somatic movement, expressive arts, dance and NVC (non- violent communication) in France and in San Francisco, CA

Somatic Experiencing®, Trauma healing, San Diego, CA (2nd year)

CSTIP Certified Sex Therapy Informed Professional. Dr. Tammy Nelson

IFS Internal Family Systems ® 6 month Circle Program

Integral leadership training program (ITP), purposeful leadership, integral body & mind practice in San Francisco, CA

Non Violent Communication

Say What you Mean 12-week course Oren Jay Sofer, NVC, Mindfulness, Somatic Experiencing

Authentic Communication 6-week course Oren Jay Sofer, NVC, Mindfulness, Somatic Experiencing

Massage and Energy Healing :

Access Bars ®, Bordeaux, France

Therapeutic Touch, Bordeaux, France

Reiki 1, Sarah Biseglie, Taos, NM


Akashic Records Earthbound Method®, Mentor Sarah Bisceglie, Taos, NM


Grief Ritual Training, Dagara Tradition, Maria Owl, Kona, HI

Yoga Certification:

Iyengar (120 hours) Yog-ganga in Rajpur, India), Ashtanga (Ashtanga Yoga Paris), Bikram (Bikram yoga, AZ) and Kundalini.  Hatha Yoga (200 hours) in Sedona, AZ (7 centers yoga center). meditation retreat Vipassana , Belgium

Art, Dance, Performance

International school of performing arts, Paris (AIDAS),

Painting with Edgar Saillen, Paris (Restoration Louvre)

Contemporary dance, Paris & Brussels  (MicadanseMenagerie de Verre)

Corporeal mime, Paris (Théâtre du Mouvement).

Accademia di Circo di Cesenatico, Italy (Circus School)


IG@ sunrisesomatics

Tik Tok @sunrisesomatics

Youtube channel www.youtube.com/carlyko1

FB @carlyko

IG@ ko_creation


Some events Carly has organized or facilitated at:

Want to see some of my past performances, commercials, dances, etc… here’s a playlist, enjoy the journey!!!

Just some images of my performance life !