The nature of water. An Akashic Record download.

Note: I did a channeled reading calling in water to teach me more about it’s nature, below are the questions I ask in regular font and the channeled response is in italics.

Help me understand the nature of water. Water is a conduit that receives and carries energy. It also transforms electrical impulses and is mutable, accommodating all energetic inputs.

Water's Influence and Imprints

How does it work? Water is influenced by various vibrational sources. It has the ability to take on energetic imprints and can mimic and receive the energetic imprints of all life and time imprinted within it.

Memory and Purification

Can the memory of water be erased? No. What about water that has been exposed to toxicity or negativity? Can it be cleansed, or does that memory persist? Yes, water can be purified.

Purification Process Explained

How does that process work? Water acts as a conduit for information, akin to a data hub. When you insert a nugget of information, it transmits to all parts of itself. Upon mutation based on the seed placed within, the predominant structure becomes the latest and newest, even though it can hold the memory of all time. It will present in the latest vibrational state of its present influence, yet its memory can allow it to transform through remembrance evoked by intention.

Human Intention and Water

Is that human intention? Yes.

Water, Cellular Memory, and Trauma

Tell me about the relationship between water and accessing cellular memory and trauma within the body. Is that program constantly running the show, or does it shift when the body is exposed to more positive events?

Water circulates through the blood and fluids, but stagnation can occur in muscles and tissues. This can slow down the vibrational circulatory process, resulting in a diminished natural energetic movement within those areas.

Impact of Trauma on Cells

Imagine cells as bumping into each other in a repetitive cycle, like a loop station. This image illustrates the loss of their natural movement intelligence. A sense of confusion arises within the body, leading to an inability to understand its nature. Trauma fixates cells in a state where they resist new information.

Renegotiating Trauma and Energy

How does renegotiating trauma affect cells and grant them movement? What is the relationship to energy? Renegotiating trauma involves focused intention that brings light into the darkness of trauma. This informs cells to move, transform, and receive new information. The relationship to energy lies in the intention, which allows cells to shift from their fixated state.

Renegotiating Trauma and its Effects on Cells

So, how does renegotiating trauma affect the cells and grant them movement? What is the relationship to energy? The first step is focusing on intention. There is already a movement happening; when intention is focused, energy follows, leading to bodily sensations. You're essentially informing the cells that things are not as they were, much like introducing a small light into a dark cave or tunnel where the belief was that everything was dark. Gradually, as you introduce small bits of light, slight movements begin to occur. As you bring in this light, it enables transformation and reception of new information. The adult's evolving relationship with the event leads to the transformation. This information informs the cells through these small openings, enabling movement as they are no longer fixated in the traumatic state. The ultimate goal is to introduce enough light, reinforcing the cells and aligning them with the present location. They can then recirculate and be informed by the present experiences throughout the body. Once informed, the cells can receive and incorporate new information.

Healing Trauma and Different Modalities

Is there a possibility to heal trauma without recounting the story? What distinguishes modalities like psychedelic therapy, breath work, and immersion in water, for instance?

In the context of psychedelic therapy, what happens? The body is infused with a highly potent chemical that influences all cells within it. This infusion often overwhelms the memory of the cells' primary function or the latest imprint.

Minimizing Disruption in Psychedelic Therapy

How does this chemical infusion avoid disrupting the basic functions of internal organs and the body at large? This is where the intelligence of water comes into play. Informed by the brain and the body's systems, water enters the equation. The primary function of the human body is to maintain homeostasis when all systems are functioning normally. Upon introduction of the chemical, the body reacts; it recognizes this foreign substance and transforms to handle it. While doing so, the body attempts to rid itself of the toxin, adjusting its systems. However, during this process, the systems responsible for connecting the cognitive brain and the felt sense are released from their primary function. This, in turn, enables other areas of the brain to become more active as cognitive functions go offline. This shift allows the body and cells to receive different information. This new information may pertain to belonging, connection to source, and healing. By accessing these previously less active brain areas, this new information permeates through the cellular makeup. Essentially, the chemical bypasses the cellular conditioning and paves the way for cellular transformation. While the energy stuck in the cell might not return after the chemical has been processed outside the body, the cells themselves can be transformed.

Long-Term Healing and Remembrance

Is permanent healing possible through psychadelic therapy? Sometimes, yes. However, the remembrance of the cell and the system's reengagement could lead to imprinting something new yet still retaining elements of the past. The outcome depends on the intensity of the experience and its integration into the body's entire system.

Energy Imprints and Water

In the makeup of electrons in the air, does it receive information? Absolutely. Electrons are water, and this signifies pure energy. All energy leaves an energetic imprint that affects water. Energy shapes imprints within water, serving as the material's carrier. While not all things are water, water acts as a mutable form that transmutes energy.

Energy, Oxygen, and Information Reception

During breathing, when we take in energy and oxygen, are we receiving information? Does energy possess memory like water? Yes, it's an imprint. This imprint vibrates and affects all things. How can we comprehend and describe this energetic imprint, as seen in the Akashic Records?

Accessing Memories and Imprints

To access specific memories or energetic imprints, similar to the Akashic Records, resonance is key. When you concentrate on a particular intention or question, you are essentially attracting the corresponding response. Energy just is; there is no specific location for it. While certain areas may hold more condensed energy due to history, people, and other factors, you can access the energy of any location throughout the universe merely by setting your intention. The intention acts like a magnetic force that aligns with the resonance of the response.

The Nature of Energy and Attraction

So, how does this process occur? Can you explain the nature of energy and its attraction? Energy is fundamentally vibrational; things vibrate. It's akin to a "connect the dots" scenario. When you emit a signal or play a note, it triggers a response – perhaps like a guitar chord. Things that share the same vibrational frequency automatically recognize one another. Consequently, altering your vibrational frequency within your body via thoughts and beliefs enables you to intentionally reach out and attract various energies. The more precisely you focus, the clearer the frequency becomes. This principle is similar to other methods of communication. Notably, dolphins, many underwater creatures, insects and plants communicate using frequency.