Lilith, the first woman hidden from the bible.

Lilith, the uncontrollable woman.

I went to a retreat in the Cevennes. Called Misericorde Sauvage. Wild misericordia. (This is two words combined, the Latin “miseriae” meaning misery and the Latin “cor” or “cordis” meaning heart.)

Where we got to know the other sides of the women in the Bible. Lilith, the first woman, wild and uncontrollable, too powerful. God’s error. Thus, Eve was the second try, born Adam’s side. He was given dominance and she was demonized for making him sin. Yet, in reality, she was an initiator. Offering the gift of consciousness.

Marie Magdalene, known as the prostitute. She was Jesus’ companion, filled in every cell of her being with true love and acceptance from Jesus, she went on to teach this pure love through France. And as I connect to her spirit, I ask her what to do with the anger, she tells me she forgave them.

How many women in history have been ignored, demonized and belittled? How many witch burnings have we been afraid of by expressing our true nature? How many times have we stifled our sexuality, sensuality, wildness, power and word?

What we did this weekend was worthy of burning.

We created a mandala, a ritual, where we disposed of the memories of our ancestors, of the oppression, the anger and the submission, to the patriarchy. We called on nature, we called on the spirits, we called on our wild inner nature, Lilith, the wild, uncontrollable, who burns through the submissive archetype.

We sang, we chanted, we played the shamanic drum. We built a fire, we stepped in the firepit, we disrobed, we yelled, we danced, we shook.

We entered into the hazelnut branch structure of a sweat lodge, built with our hands and as we writhed with resistance with the burning heat of the fluorescent red stones. We sang, and as our bodies dripped of sweat, we cried as we released the ancestral baggage that must be released to allow the new story to be written.

Yes, we were witching this weekend.

We would have all been burned at the stake.

This is our memory in our cells.

Women, the anger within is simply the threshold of the mountain of anger stifled by generations before.

Roar. Roar. Roar.

We will not be silent any longer.

Lilith the uncontrollable leads us as we step into our true power, our true sex, our true wildness.

May we release the jealousy, the competition, the judgment of our sisters. May we stand together as one and offer ourselves the freedom to break free from the chains since the beginning of time.

It is now.

Read more about Lilith: Adam’s first wife hidden from the patriarchy:

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