Written by Sarah Bisceglie of the Earthbound Method®

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are an eternal source of cosmic wisdom, which exist to support all beings on the path towards Divine Union. You could also call Divine Union: Light, God, Goddess, Heaven, Enlightenment, Union with the Higher Self, Liberation, or any other name that reveals humanity’s ultimate reunion with Oneness.

As human beings, we are not always privy to the exact nature of heaven and earth. However, we can feel our way towards progressing towards Ultimate Good. The Akashic Records are one tool to help us progress.

The Records are accessible to humanity through different processes and prayers. Many people have accessed and utilized the Records to aid in spiritual progress, some say throughout all of existence. It is possible that at other times, it was easier to access divine information because of the nature of existence. It is also possible that this is a special time where more and more spiritual information has become available to help humanity ascend.

Akasha as æther
Akasha means space or in Sanskrit, or æther an “ethereal fluid imagined as pervading the cosmos”1.

1 Dictionary of World Philosophy by A. Pablo Iannone, Taylor & Francis, 2001, p. 30. ISBN 0-415-17995-5a

Other ancient word origins of Akasha include sky. The root meaning comes from Sanskrit kāś, meaning to be.

Akasha was traditionally one of the 5 elements in Vedic philosophy, along with air, water, earth, and fire. It is said to be the element inside of which and because of which all others exist. In some sects of Hinduism, Akasha is one of the five physical substances, that which embodies and includes all sound, known nas “the One, Eternal, and All Pervading physical substance, which is imperceptible.”2

Though abstract, these ancient and associated definitions are important as they help us to visualize and sense the amorphous nature of the Akashic Records. You can visualize the Akasha as a permeable, energetic field that envelops All Things, in this world, in the cosmos, and beyond.

Sometimes the Records are referred to as a cosmic library of information. The library gives us an easily accessible metaphor for how the information is stored and can be accessed, in a known physical space and through a sort of team of “cosmic librarians” or guardians of the Records.

Other practitioners, such as Edgar Cayce, referred to the Record as a book or even the “Book of Life”. The Book of Life is an ancient biblical concept which listed all people who were going to Heaven, or were righteous with God. While useful to see them as a library or book, we must make sure not to limit ourselves by seeing the Records as only composed of recorded actions or thoughts, usually written by individual authors. Books are usually read linearly, and information processed through the brain.

2Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology by Karl H. Potter, Usharbudh Arya, Motilal Banarsidass Publications, 1977, p. 71. ISBN  81-208-0309-4

Rather than thinking of the Akashic Records as a library or linear record of history, it is more apt and accurate to describe them as moveable, living energetic space, one which exists all around us and always has, where the doings and feelings of existence are occurring and simultaneously recorded. The Records are not only for learning on a mental level, they are for seeking and digesting on a much deeper spiritual level--through energy and connection with pure awareness.

It is most powerful to access the field energetically, rather than mentally. The information a reader seeks is not exactly “information”, but rather healing wisdom that may come through, for example, through:

❖ Visual journeys

❖ Pure, clear thoughts

❖ Metaphor

❖ Gifts and initiations

❖ Emotional and energetic experiences

❖ Interactions with guides and light beings

Akasha - History & Context

The Akashic Records has origins in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, which were an extremely fruitful period for new spiritual ideas, transfer of global concepts particularly from East to West, release of the power and hold of Christianity on the public imagination, and an expansion of spiritual self-exploration. Akasha Re-found: Theosophy & H.P. Blavatsky.

The term “Akashic” was first adopted by a group of Western mystics and occultists known as the Theosophists in the late 19th century. The Theosophists adopted and translated many concepts from Eastern spirituality. They are credited with introducing the concept of “Akasha” to the West. One of the founders of Theosophy, Russian occultist and philosopher Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, labeled Akasha as “the eternal divine consciousness”. She wrote that it is “the source of all life, the reservoir of all energy, and the motion behind every change of matter.”3

Following the advent of Theosophy, many occultist4 groups and practices began to emerge. During this period, psychic exploration was becoming commonplace. Channeled communication with the spirit realm of the dead and other non-physical beings became widely popular.

3 Isis Unveiled by H.P. Blavatsky
4 The word “occult” comes from the Latin occultare, meaning to conceal

Rudolf Steiner & the Akashic Records

Early 20th century prolific scholar Rudolf Steiner, also a philosopher, clairvoyant, channeler, and creator of the Waldorf School Model, is said to be the first to mention the Akashic Records in his writings. Steiner had his philosophical origins with the Theosophists, but later started his own esoteric movement called Anthroposophy. He channeled a text called “The 5th Gospel: From the Akashic Records”, as a biblical corrective. Here is how Steiner defined the Akashic Records:

“Everything that happens in the physical sense-world has its counterpart

in the spiritual world. When a hand is moved, there is more before you

than the moving hand seen by your eye, there is my thought and my

volition: ‘My hand must move.’ A spiritual background is there. Whereas

the ocular, sensible impression of the hand passes away, its spiritual

counterpart remains engraved in the spiritual world and unfailingly leaves

a trace there. So that, when our spiritual eyes are opened, we can follow

the traces and find the spiritual counterpart of everything that has

happened in the world. Nothing can happen in the world without leaving

such traces. Let us suppose the spiritual investigator lets his gaze wander

back to the days of Charlemagne, or to Roman times, or to ancient Greece.

Everything that happened in those times is preserved in the trace left by

its spiritual prototype, and can be observed in the spiritual world. This

kind of vision is called ‘reading the Akashic records’.”5

5 Rudolf Steiner – GA 112 – The Gospel of St. John – Lecture 2 – Cassel, 25th June 1909

Edgar Cayce & the Book of Life

Later channelers such as Edgar Cayce also channeled wisdom from the Akashic Records. Cayce called the Akashic Records the “Book of Life” and “God’s Book of Remembrance”. Here is how Cayce defined the Records during a reading:

“Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities

of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence;

as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity's

ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God's book of

remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single

day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad

or indifferent, depending upon the entity's application of self ...”6

It is worth reading about both Steiner and Cayce, as their approaches, recordings of sessions, and writings have inordinately influenced proceeding channelers and the New Age movement in general.

6 Edgar Cayce Reading 1650-1

Channeling - Brief Context

Prior to Blavatsky and Steiner, it is likely that many clairvoyant folks were already channeling from the Records, but hadn’t labeled it as such. Before the new spirituality bloom of the late 19th century, most western channelers were Christian, and claimed to be channeling from the disciples, saints, or Jesus himself (some examples are Hildegard von Bingen, Joan of Arc, St. Theresa of Avila, George Fox [founder of the Quakers], and Emmanuel Swedenborg [of the 18th century]. Any other method of channeling was labeled devil’s work, likely suspect, and punishable by death by state or religious authorities. Indeed, it is surprising and fortunate that the aforementioned channelers were not labeled as heretics and still have a surviving legacy. Throughout history, channeling has been an all-pervasive form of transferring spiritual wisdom from divine sources including but not limited to ancestors, spirit beings (such as “star beings” and “sky gods” from Native American tradition), gods and goddesses, elements and nature. From ancient Greece, to Egypt, to Asia, channeling, shamanism, earth religions, and divination go hand-in-hand. The history of channeling is vast and uncharted, and we will not delve all the way into humanity’s natural history of communicating with the Divine.

Akashic Records in the Present

Since Blavatsky, Steiner, and Cayce, hundreds to thousands of people have channeled from the Akashic Records, as well as developed their own methods for teaching others to access and do readings from the Records. Many people channel without a specified framework such as the Akashic Records. However, what the Records give us is a safe and protected space to receive information of the Highest Good.

Not all sources are alike. The Akashic Records are not designed to simply supply psychic information; rather they are accessed and utilized for the benefit of all beings. By becoming acquainted with the Akashic Records framework, a reader holds the keys to the highest order of information available to humanity. Essentially it comes straight from Source, or Pure Oneness, and is translated in ways that the recipients of the readings will innately understand.



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